Brand identity

Video Direction


Video is a particularly powerful medium to tell stories that make emotional connections. By forging these connections we believe that potential travellers will fall in love with Canada, even before setting foot here. To put it another way: we aim for the heart.


With our shift to transformational travel and focus on storytelling, not to mention the ever crowded content space, we want our videos to have a purpose and to follow a narrative arc. Effective stories have a clear purpose that can be conveyed simply. We know through review of performance statistics that videos with an exciting opening that hooks in a viewer and gives them a reason to watch through to conclusion perform better against our engagement metric.

Each piece of content needs to work towards a goal and have an intersection between a place and people to support the narrative arc. These stories can be told through the perspective of travellers visiting Canada or personal stories of Canadians. And by focusing more on Canada and Canadians, we are creating content that is more readily shareable across markets.


Camera angles

Our foremost priority is delivering interesting and visually stunning material. When possible, we should find interesting ways to film our content making it stand out among other destination brands. We want to highlight the unique places and people across the country, be it by using interesting angles, non traditional camera positions and drones, GoPros or underwater to supplement additional B-roll imagery.


Coordinates may be added to indicate where a shot was taken, but only if they can be legible. Follow the rules in section 2.5.4. DC or partner agencies must approve this add-on before it is published.


Colour grading

We should apply the same colour grading across our films so they feel cohesive. It should be clear that our films are ours, stamped with our brand and with our signature look and feel. To maintain consistency, we always need to access raw, ungraded footage shot in high-resolution formats from all our owned and partner shoots.


Shooting in the early morning or at sunset is a great way to get glowing shots.


Video signature

The video signature should begin by evoking the grandeur/breadth of the landscape, taking up the entire width of the frame.In subsequent frames it will become animated and transform into the official logo, with or without the tagline. No other copy should appear. Contact DC to obtain the animated logos.
